





How many dives would you like to do? 2 4 6 8 10 Night Dives Boat Dives

Which course would you like to do?
  • Introductory Dive
  • IANTD Supervised Diver
  • IANTD Open Water
  • IANTD Advanced Nitrox
  • IANTD Self Sufficient Diver
  • IANTD Normoxic Trimix
  • IANTD Advanced Nitrox Rebreather
  • IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix Rebreather
  • IANTD Normoxic Trimix Rebreather
  • IANTD O'Dive Doppler Technician
  • IANTD Advanced Nitrox Instructor
  • IANTD Normoxic Trimix Instructor
  • IANTD Rebreather Instructor

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Dive Courses

Our professional team offers courses and training for all levels of divers. From beginners to advanced divers, technical divers, and aspiring divemaster and instructors.



Introductory Dive

A relaxed introduction to Scuba Diving including theory, shallow water exercises and 2 dives.

Introductory Dive

Designed for those who want a relaxed introduction to Scuba Diving. Our course allows the individual to experience Scuba under direct supervision of a professional dive instructor, without having to complete a full Scuba certification course. Almost everyone can enjoy this experience. Course includes a short theory lesson, basic shallow water exercises and 2 dives.
Duration: 5 Hours
Price:IDR 1.400 k

IANTD Supervised Diver

Learn the basics of diving! Supervised Diver is the perfect course for those who do not have time to complete an entire Open Water Diver Program. This program covers half of the Open Water Program.

IANTD Supervised Diver

If you do not have time to enroll an Open Water course, we offer the Supervised Diver course i only two days. The content of this program represents about half of the Open Water Diver course. You can then complete the second half and become a certified diver at another time, anywhere that is convenient for you.

The IANTD Supervised Diver Program will be fully credited towards the Open Water Diver Program so you will not have to redo any part of the program twice. After a short skill update, you can complete your Open Water Diver Training.

Certified Supervised Divers are entitled to go diving under the direct supervision of a Dive Leader up to a maximum depth of 40 feet / 12 meters. This allows you to have a lot of fun and gain further diving experience even without continuing your education. This certificate entitles you to take part in guided dives all over the world.
Duration: 2 Days
Price:IDR 4.000 k

IANTD Open Water

Learn the fundamentals of Scuba diving. This certification is recognized worldwide.

IANTD Open Water

Throughout the IANTD Open Water Diver course you'll learn fundamentals of Scuba diving, including dive equipment and techniques. You will also earn a IANTD Open Water Diver certification that is recognized worldwide. You earn this rating by completing 5 confined water sessions and knowledge development sessions and by making 4 open water dives. With Tech Dive Bali, you will completes 6 dives instead of the standard 4.

As a certified IANTD Open Water Diver, you have the freedom to dive with a buddy independent of a professional. Your underwater adventure can begin as soon as today with the new Open Water Manual! You can view these materials at your hotel at your own place and then meet with your instructor for further assistance. Open water learning options also include group or private instructions. This course offers tremendous flexibility and lets you work out individual needs with your instructor.
Duration: 4 Days
Price:IDR 6.000 k

IANTD Advanced Open Water

Learn other diving activities with fun. We offer the IANTD Advanced Open Water with the deep, Navigation, night, wreck and perfect buoyancy adventure dives.

IANTD Advanced Open Water

This two day training is perfect to mix good learning and fun while discovering new diving activities.

We start with a small refresh in the swimming pool to remember all the Open Water skills, then we normally starting with the perfect buoyancy then the deep adventure dive in Amed. The next day we do wreck, navigation and night on the Liberty shipwreck.
Duration: 2 Days
Price:IDR 5.000 k

IANTD Enriched Air Nitrox

This course covers dive planning, gas analysing and the handling of Nitrox equipment before and after diving.

IANTD Enriched Air Nitrox

NITROX is an enriched air mixture which offers longer bottom times and decreased risk of decompression sickness for Scuba divers. The course covers issues specific to Nitrox diving, such as planning dives, use of Nitrox tables and Nitrox computers, first aid, and the handling of Nitrox equipment before and after diving. This course is available to any certified diver and includes 2 theory sessions and 1 nitrox dive and can be combined with another training such as Open Water or Advanced diver program.
Duration: 1 Days
Price:IDR 2.700 k

IANTD Open Water Sidemount

Learn the way to dive sidemount with the IANTD Open Water Sidemount.

IANTD Open Water Sidemount

As is the norm in wreck and cave diving, sidemount equipment configuration is now being discovered by more and more divers. The simple, pleasant and weightless dive without the burden of the diving equipment to weight down on the back - who wouldn't want to experience this? To make these kinds of dives safely, it is necessary to have the knowledge, skills and training in Recreational Sidemount Diving. You will learn everything about the background, history, benefits and equipment of sidemount diving. In practice, you will learn how to configure your equipment and manage it in the water, recognizing that buoyancy and movement brings you a new diving experience.

Duration: 4 Days
Price:IDR 7.500 k

IANTD Self Sufficient Diver

This training allows you to dive as a safe independant diver with the correct redondant equipment.

IANTD Self Sufficient Diver

This course is doable in Single tank + pony tank, twin-set or sidemount configuration. We offer this training in 2 confined water + 4 open water dives. contact us for more information.
Duration: 4 Days
Price:IDR 6.500 k

IANTD Open Water DPV Diver

A very fun program, who never dreamed about diving without having to swim.

IANTD Open Water DPV Diver

Learn how to dive with a diving vehicle propulsion is a lot of fun. We offer this training with Dive Extra DPV's. The course is based on one confined water and two open water dives.
Duration: 2 Days
Price: IDR 4.500 k

IANTD Open Water Rebreather

This is the first recreational rebreather training that allows you to dive up to 21m. Prerequisites are to be certified Deep and Nitrox diver.

IANTD Open Water Rebreather

This courses allows you to dive with a rebreather to a maximum depth of 21m within the limit of the no decompression limits.

The IANTD Open Water Rebreather program is made so people can start diving with a rebreather only with an open water and nitrox certification, no need to have a minimum logged dive to start this program. You will learn all the basic of rebreather including the boom's scenario, Hypoxia, Hyperoxia and Hypercapnia. We offer this training on Triton MCCR (mechanical or manual closed circuit rebreather), JJ-CCR or Inspiration ECCR (electronic closed circuit rebreather).
Duration: 5 Day
Price:IDR 15.000 k

Rebreather Tryout dive

Come and discover the silence of the rebreather diving world. Triton MCCR, JJ-CCR and Inspiration ECCR are available for this Rebreather Tryout dive.

Rebreather Try-out dive

With the Rebreather Try-out dive program, you will learn the theory and technics basics of the rebreather diving. We offer this introduction in one day with a theory class, 1 pool session and 2 open water dives up to 12m deep. This experience will make you discover the feeling for rebreather diving.

We offer this training with Triton MCCR, JJ-CCR and the Inspiration ECCR from AP Diving. The prerequisite for this Rebreather Try-out dive is to be certified Open Water Diver.
Duration: 1 Day
Price:IDR 3.000 k


Technical & Rebreather

IANTD Essential Diver

The Essential Diver program is the foundation of technical diving.

IANTD Essential Diver

The Essential Diver program is design to teach you how to dive with technical diving equipment.

You will be doing 4 open water dives during with you will learn the different fining technics
Duration: 2 Days
Price:IDR 3.500 k

IANTD Advanced Nitrox

Learn technical diving skill and knowledge. With the program IANTD Advanced Nitrox, you will become a technical diver using one accelerated decompression gas and bottom gas up to 40m deep.

IANTD Advanced Nitrox

Learn the basics of technical diving! The IANTD Advanced Nitrox is the first decompression program allowing you to dive up to 40 meters using an accelerated decompression gas up to 100% of Oxygen.

With the IANTD Advanced Nitrox program is not limited on minutes of decompression.
Duration: 4 Days
Price:IDR 7.500 k

IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix

Learn the fundamentals of diving with Trimix. This certification is recognized worldwide.

IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix

The IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix program allow you to dive with a limited trimix gas up to 45 meters and the IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix (plus) up to 51 meters without any limit on decompression time.

Duration: 5 Days
Price:IDR 15.600 k

IANTD Tech Open Water DPV

In technical diving we carry lot of equipment that can be heavy and not completely streamline. DPVs are helping a lot with big equipment configurations.

IANTD Tech Open Water DPV

With this training you will learn how to ride a Diving Propulsion Vehicle while technical diving.

Duration: 2 Days
Price: IDR 6.500 k

IANTD Technical Diver

With this dive training you will be allowed to dive up to 51 meters deep with air or nitrox as bottom gas. You can use up to two accelerated decompression gas.

IANTD Technical Diver

This is the deepest dive training (51 meters) with air as bottom gas. Equipment configuration is designed to have 2 bottom tanks with Air or Nitrox and two nitrox for an accelerated decompression. This course is available in twinset or sidemount configuration.

Duration: 6 Day
Price:IDR 15.600 k

IANTD Normoxic Trimix

The IANTD Normoxic Trimix program allows you to dive up to 60 meters deep, and 70 meters deep for the IANTD Normoxic Trimix (plus) program.

IANTD Normoxic Trimix

With the IANTD Normoxic Trimix program, you will learn dive planning, gas management and how to execute a dive up to 60 meters or 70 meters with the IANTD Normoxic Trimix (plus) program. This training is doable in twinset or sidemount configuration.

Duration: 6 Days
Price:IDR 18.750 k

IANTD Deep Rebreather

If you are already certified open circuit deep diver or IANTD open water rebreather diver you can unroll the IANTD Deep rebreather program.

IANTD Deep Rebreather

This course covers the basics of rebreather equipment. IANTD Deep Rebreather specialty allows you to dive up to 40 meters with-in the decompression limit. We offer this training on Triton MCCR (mechanical or manual closed circuit rebreather), JJ-CCR or Inspiration ECCR (electronic closed circuit rebreather).
Duration: 5 Days
Price: IDR 15.000 k

IANTD Advanced Nitrox Rebreather

The first IANTD rebreather program allowing you to dive up to 40 meters with unlimited decompression.

IANTD Advanced Nitrox Rebreather

This IANTD rebreather program allows you to dive up to 40 meters with no decompression limit using air as a diluent. We offer this training on Triton MCCR (mechanical or manual closed circuit rebreather), JJ-CCR or Inspiration ECCR (electronic closed circuit rebreather).
Duration:6 Days
Price: 20.500 k

IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix Rebreather

This program will permit you to dive rebreather with trimix gases up to 45 meters deep with unlimited decompression.

IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix Rebreather

The IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix Rebreather program allows you to dive up to 45 meters with unlimited decompression with trimix and the IANTD Advanced Recreational Trimix Plus Rebreather program allows you to dive up to 51 meters without any decompression limit. You have the right to use 2 bailouts cylinders, one deep bailout and one decompression bailout gas. We offer this training on Triton MCCR (mechanical or manual closed circuit rebreather), JJ-CCR or Inspiration ECCR (electronic closed circuit rebreather).
Duration:7 Days
Price: 26.500 k

IANTD Normoxic Trimix Rebreather

With rebreather, we only dive with air as diluent up to 40 metres, deeper we need to add helium in our mixes. Trimix gases will reduce nitrogen narcoses, gas density at depth and oxygen toxicity (cns) from our diluent gases.

IANTD Normoxic Trimix Rebreather

The IANTD Normoxic Trimix Rebreather program allows you to dive up to 60 meters with unlimited decompression with trimix and the IANTD Normoxic Trimix Rebreather (plus) program allows you to dive up to 70 meters without any decompression limit. You have the right to use 3 bailouts cylinders, one deep bailout and two decompression bailout gas. We offer this training on Triton MCCR (mechanical or manual closed circuit rebreather), JJ-CCR or Inspiration ECCR (electronic closed circuit rebreather).
Duration:7 Days
Price: 26.500 k


Professional Training

IANTD Instructor Crossover

Learn how to teach properly a large range of IANTD training as an instructor.

IANTD Instructor Crossover

With the IANTD Instructor crossover you will learn how teach a variety of IANTD trainings.

This training is based on 3 days but depend of the specific specialty you wish to purchase.
Duration: Contact
Price: Contact

IANTD Advanced Nitrox Instructor

With technical diving becoming more and more popular, become a technical dive instructor with International Association of Nitrox and Technical Divers, the worldwide leader in technical diving.

IANTD Advanced Nitrox Instructor

IANTD is the leader in technical diving from 1984. It is also IANTD that introduced the Nitrox studies from NOOA with Dick Rutkowski to the diving world. With the IANTD Advanced Nitrox Instructor training you will be able to start to teach technical diving.
Duration:Depend of your actual level
Price: Contact

IANTD Open Water DPV Instructor

Learn how to teach DPV diving. This training can be done for recreational or technical divers.

IANTD Open Water DPV Instructor

DPV or Diving Propulsion vehicle can be a safety tool in dive with strong current. It can be used for fun as well when starting a dive in one dive site and finishing the dive in another dive site. Our scooter are able to run for many miles and have a battery capacity of more than 5 hours with the new lithium battery technology.
Duration:Contact us
Price: Contact us

IANTD Technical Divemaster

An introduction to the world of Dive Professionals. Qualify to lead and guide certified technical divers.

IANTD Technical Divemaster

Devoted divers with a desire to pass along their love of Scuba diving to others will find the IANTD Technical Divemaster programs a rewarding experience.

IANTD Technical Divemaster is an introduction into the world of Dive Professionals. As a Dive Guide you will be qualified to lead certified divers on a variety of Scuba diving adventures.

As a certified IANTD Technical Divemaster, you can give underwater tours to certified Technical divers.
Duration: 3 Weeks
Price: IDR 15.000 k

IANTD O'Dive Technician Instructor

The o'dive doppler is a portative ultrasound made for divers. With this tools you can analyse the amount of bubbles in your tissues and ajust the conservatism of your dive computer to become safer diver.

IANTD O'Dive Technician Instructor

The o'dive doppler allows you to tune your decompression according to real measurement after divine directly on site.

This course is doable in co-teaching or during a seminar.
Participate to the new research of decompression theory as every mesurement you will do will be record and studied within the o'dive system.

The O'Dive Doppler is also available in Tech Dive Bali.
Duration: 1 Day
Price:IDR 3.500 k

IANTD Technical Diving Instructor Programs

As a Technical Dive instructor you can teach wide variety of IANTD recreational and technical programs.

IANTD Technical Diving Instructor Programs

IANTD Technical Diving Instructor Programs

Technical Diving is becoming more and more popular. At Tech Dive Bali, we can teach a large range of IANTD instructor programs, choose the correct training or technical specialty according to your personal objectives .

Contact us for details Duration: Contact
Price: Contact

IANTD Instructor Development Program

If you wish to become a good diving instructor, the IDP = Instructor Development Program is the training for you !

IANTD Instructor Development Program

If you are already certified Divemaster from any diving agency and want to become a diving instructor, we offer the IANTD IDP = Instructor Development Program. This course include:

- Stress and Rescue Instructor

- Perfect Buoyancy Instructor

- Nitrox Instructor

- IE = Instructor Evaluation

- All IANTD Material required

- All IANTD Fees

Duration:25 Days
Price:42.000.000 IDR

IANTD Sidemount Instructor

Diving with a Sidemount configuration is simply the fact to attach your cylinders on the side of your body.

IANTD Sidemount Instructor

Sidemount diving community is growing every day with cave divers, technical wreck divers but also recreational divers.

Learn how to teach:

- Equipment assembly with different sidemount equipment configuration.

- Line drills with overhead introduction

- dive planning according to the rule of third

- technical or recreational sidemount

- all emergency skills

Duration:4 Days
Price:8.000.000 IDR

Dual Rebreather

Dual Rebreather is design to go far behond, for long cave diving or for very deep open water dives.

Dual Rebreather

Dual Rebreather is making a lot of sense for dive deeper then 100 metres as we do not need to carry so many bailout tanks.

This program is made for certified rebreather divers that are already certified on two CCR units.

This is more some coaching developing ability in comfort diving with two rebreathers. We normally start in shallow water and take a depth increase of 10 metres in between dives.

Duration: Contact-us
Price: Contact-us